Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Return from Wellington

After four days in Wellington we rose early on a Monday morning and began our trip back to Christchurch.  We had time to brew a cup of coffee (a challenge in the hostel as there may be dozens of tea pots but nary a coffee pot or a resemblance of one, but we were prepared, having two lovely French press cups for camper's from Bob) and pick up a lunch we had prepared the night before.  Our plan was to eat breakfast on the ferry -they have a cafeteria and our sack lunch on the train early in the afternoon.

We boarded a shuttle bus (NZ$3) and traveled to the ferry dock, endured the long queues to get our boarding passes and walked the long passage to the gangway.  Again we did not score window seats, but the weather was much more pleasant on our return than the windy voyage we had experienced  a few day earlier.  We claimed two of the reclining seats on Deck 7 with our jackets once the ship was underway and headed for the cafeteria.  

There was the usual array of sandwiches tightly wrapped in cellophane, neat rows of pricey, high calorie desserts and a few muffins to boot, but we had our intentions set on the "hot breakfasts": scrambled eggs, toast, rashers, potatoes. 

The letdown was staggering!  I ordered only the eggs and toast with a little butter.  The bacon looked more like slabs of fried fat.  The scrambled eggs proved to be one of the most disgusting things I ever ate without wagering money.  They had obviously began as scrambled egg, i.e., whipped up, but I think instead of frying them, they boiled them in water.  Whatever, it was a wet gooey mass that was difficult to masticate and swallow,  Water just oozed out of them as you chewed.  To make it worse, the water that had drained out of them on my plate saturated my toasts, changing them into soggy Dr. Scholl's.  

Travelers note: Bring your own food on public conveyances.

We ate our pastrami and cheese sandwiches along with some lovely fruit early that afternoon.  We did buy a couple of beers in the dining car  to wash them down.

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